Tuesday, November 8, 2016


While nurses get paid a great amount of money, there are many stumbling blocks nurses have to deal with while working in the health care field such as they are exposed to many illnesses that could harm them, must deal with their emotions during difficult times and they also have to deal with tyrannous parents.

Image result for infectious disease

Interesting Facts

Working as a nurse can sometimes be hazardous. From common infections, such as influenza to frightening diseases, such as Ebola, nurses treat patients with all types of infectious conditions. Personal protective equipment is specialized equipment or clothing use to protect nurses and patients from germs. PPE includes gloves, gowns, goggles, masks and face shields. A surgical mask is used to cover your nose and mouth and prevent germs from entering. In other situations, a mask called a respirator may be required. A respirator fits tightly and creates a seal around your nose and mouth, to prevent small droplets from entering the body. Keep in mind that the respirators come in different sizes. If nurses do not wear the correct size, they are not protecting themselves. Brown (2014) mentioned that “Health facilities are mandatory to fit test; do determine what size they should use”.  If the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration - also called "OSHA” come in and see that the nurses have not done an annual fit test in their facilities, the facility could get shut down. Nurses do not have to wear all equipment in every situation. Depending on the type of germ or infections, they may need to wear different equipment. Keep in mind, standard precautions apply to working with all patients regardless of their condition. It is important to wear the right personal protective equipment to keep themselves from becoming infected and to prevent spreading illness. Knowing what type of personal protective equipment to wear in different situations is essential for nurses.
Image result for pediatric trauma patientNurses not only have to make sure they are taking care of themselves but also when they are caring for ill children, they also must deal with emotional support for both patients and their family members. No matter how much it distresses them to see children suffering or parents worrying, nurses must stay strong and remain calm. They also need to set boundaries so they will not let their emotions hinder their judgements or their ability to care for the child. It’s always difficult for a nurse to see a patient in pain or watch a patient die especially a young patient. Many pediatric patients are frightened and confused, and might be traumatized whether they’re suffering from a broken bone or just received a cancer diagnosis. It is difficult for a nurse to look at a child and see that they have a whole life seating right in front of them and knowing that its nothing else they can do for the child.  They often grieve the loss of a patient, especially if they treated him for weeks or months and formed a relationship with him/her family. Williams (2013, Nov. 07) noted that nurses also derive emotional satisfaction from knowing they helped children and their parents during a frightening or traumatic time. Even if the outcome is not what they hoped for, they know they were there to offer great support, kindness and the best care possible.
Image result for stressed black parentsNot only do nurses provide care and support to a patient but they also must deal with parents that are excessively overbearing. In times of stress and worry, emotions run high. Sometimes these feelings may be directed towards nurses. Parents may feel that the nurses are not doing enough. They may feel that their son or daughter in pain is not getting enough attention, even after the nurses have administered the proper medications and treatment. According to Heuninckx (2014, June. 19), Given the condition, make sure the parents are aware of all the steps that are being taken to care for the child, “Tell the parents about the vital signs and how they are within normal limits for the age of the child”. The most important part is to tell the parents what to look for if the child was in fact more sick. Teach them that if their child was acting this way, they would immediately get the physician’s attention. Never tell the parent that their child is just fine, the doctor will be in shortly, and walk out of the room. Parents want to know that nurses are knowledgeable and updated with their education and skills. Dealing with the patient parents can be difficult challenges but it is something that nurses must deal with it in their work place.

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It seems like in the health care field is it difficult to maintain as a nurse. Nurses get paid a great amount of money for what they do. They have many obstacles that they face while working with patients. Nurses should make sure they are properly wearing the proper equipment so they will not get any type of infections/diseases. While dealing with patients their emotions might get in the way but they must keep a barrier so it would not interfere with their work. Dealing with demanding parents could also make a nurse feel as if they are not doing what they are capable of. Nurses just have to understand that at times, just do their best and keep their head up to get them through there day at their work place.   

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